What Should We Pay Attention To When We First Get Into Fitness?

Jhon Boho
What Should We Pay Attention To When We First Get Into Fitness? What Should We Pay Attention To When We First Get Into Fitness?
If you are a beginner or have not yet started, maybe you should pay attention to the following issues!

1. Warm up before exercising
Not warming up before exercising is a mistake that many beginners make, which often increases the possibility of injury. To ensure the rhythm of breathing, improve performance during exercise, and increase the range of motion, warm-up is necessary for any intensity of training. You can start with light aerobic exercise, then do some dynamic stretching movements, and finally simulate the movements you want to practice and do some light weight warm-up sets. This is the correct warm-up sequence. For beginners, 5-10 minutes of warm-up is enough. Wait until all these are completed before starting formal training. You may find that you will do better.

2. Train twice a week regularly
Just walked into the gym, do you know how many times a week you should go to the gym? Many people who are obsessed with fitness may go 5 times a week, or every day, but it is not necessary for beginners. We can start with 2 exercises a week, and stick to this frequency for 1-2 months. When your body has some training foundation, then increase to 3 exercises a week, and then to 4 exercises a week... In addition to the training frequency, the training time should also be gradual. When you first start fitness, we do not recommend long-term training, because this may cause some rejection reactions in your body. Find some training plans that only take 30 minutes to 1 hour and do some basic movements.

3. Start with bodyweight training
When it comes to strength training, most of us will think of various equipment in the gym, but in fact, bodyweight training is a training method that uses the body's own weight to resist the weight of the earth, so it does not require any equipment, thereby exercising muscle strength. In terms of improving the functionality of the body, bodyweight training is much better than those fixed equipment in the gym. Common bodyweight training movements include plank support, push-ups, squats, etc. These movements can effectively exercise different muscle groups, such as quadriceps, pectoralis major and abdominal muscles. The advantage of bodyweight training is its flexibility and convenience. It can be performed at any venue and at any time without any special restrictions. It is an economical and efficient training method.
Things we should pay attention to when we first start exercising

4. Take into account both upper and lower body movements
You may have heard that many fitness experts are doing 5-point training (training is divided into 5 days a week, and different parts are exercised every day), and the chest, back, legs, hands and shoulders are exercised separately. But for novices who only train 2-3 times a week, there is no need to do this. You can completely take into account the exercise of the upper and lower body on the same day. Through full-body exercise, you can consume more calories; and when you are training the upper body, the lower body can just rest, and this alternation will make the effect good and save time. In addition to the combination of upper and lower body training, you can also try a combination of push and pull movements.

5. Try 3 sets, about 15 times each set
I believe that most women exercise mainly to shape and reduce fat and maintain their figure, so they can use more repetitions during training. For example, the common practice of doing 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise is: do 15 bodyweight squats first, then do 15 push-ups immediately, then take a short break and do 2 sets of the same exercise. Of course, as your ability improves, the number of sets and weight you do can be increased. 3 sets of 15 reps per set is only very suitable for beginners.

6. Stick to the same training
Our bodies have a strong ability to adapt. In order to break through ourselves, we need to change the intensity of training frequently, whether it is the action, number of times, weight or rest time. Please note that this can only be done when you have enough fitness foundation! For beginners, we have not been in fitness for a long time and have not accumulated enough fitness foundation, so now your goal is to lay a good foundation and adapt to the action, so you can do the same action 2 or 3 times a week. In addition, because novices tend to grow faster, even if you do the same action for a period of time, you will find that the weight you can do has increased.
Things we should pay attention to when we first start exercising

7. Choose the right weight
If you start weight training, a very important point is to find the right weight. Whether you use dumbbells or barbells, please make sure to choose a weight that is challenging for you. Appropriate pressure can ensure the training effect, but it will not be too heavy to make the body overly tired or even injured.

8. Muscle soreness after exercise
After just exercising, most people's muscles will be sore for several days. Don't panic. This is a normal phenomenon. In fact, it is caused by the combined effect of muscle tearing and lactic acid accumulation. At this time, all you have to do is rest well and wait until the muscles recover before the next training.

9. Proper stretching after training
Stretching after training has many benefits. Stretching can improve flexibility, relieve soreness, ensure blood circulation, and help recovery... And stretching is very simple. Choose a few movements and stretch each movement for about 30 seconds. Common stretching movements include latissimus dorsi stretching, calf stretching, quadriceps stretching, camel pose, scapular stretching, etc.
Things we should pay attention to when we first start exercising

10. Replenish water, carbon water and protein
Whether during or after training, you should replenish enough water. Carbon water and protein are recommended to be properly supplemented after exercise to ensure that our muscle cells have enough energy. Carbon water can help replenish energy, and protein can help repair muscles. As for the dosage, protein does not need too much, 10-20g is enough, which is 2-3 eggs or a spoonful of protein powder; carbon water is controlled between 150-200 calories.

First perform anaerobic training to stimulate muscle growth and increase strength, and then perform aerobic training to promote fat burning and improve cardiopulmonary function. Combining anaerobic training with aerobic training can further improve the training effect.

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